Strands of Time

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by Sarah Jane Gordon BA (Hons)

Gelli Printed - Mono Print

h: 51 w: 37 d: 1 (cms).

The printing process Is involved, as I layer my gelli plate with pressed seaweed, stencils and masks (all designed and hand-cut by me), this process echoes the layers of amazing beach objects found buried in the strand lines of the south coast. Once the background ink has been removed, I remove the masking items and work into the surface press printing with found objects to remove and add ink, this provides the richly patterned and detailed outcome which provides the viewer with an experience I would liken to that if beachcombing, a process of searching and discovery. By layering hand cut stencils in combination with the use of pressed seaweed and items found on the beach such as fossils, rope as stamps to build compositions rich in colour and pattern.

£650 (As exhibited.)

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